Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday June 8th,2012

I know and knew before I started this that patience and God in charge is the only way to make this happen; the only way to spread the word that these killings should have NEVER happened and hopefully will not happen again. Ya that is a far fetched reality there I know as people's fear overrides them. It is angering me to see that while doing this. I read another article on a previous shooting before baby Angel's. The guy was gunned down in broad daylight and it was by a gang the guy believed in God first and foremost !! So what kind of world does that say we live in ?? I am not saying or basing this on one's belief. But for the love of God really we pray out to God when life is bad and then we just shun Him away when things start to turn around. I have done that many times in my life but recently have been practicing of always putting him first and foremost before anything before I step out of bed even. The thing that got me though is reading so many people declining a simple invitation to light a candle in honor of victims from this type of shootings. And the other thing that got me as well; this article at the end of it stated that this young individual in his mid 20's was offered a promotion before his death to where it involved his second passion in life gang prevention. So, really ?? Is that what happens to people who want a better place to live ?? A better world for thugs they don't even know ?? They end up taking the individual's life ?? Fear encompasses this world way too much !! I just think to myself so sad !! So sad as people say what they feel but when it comes to helping another individual we run away !! They say what they feel about a certain crime how they are against it and then when it comes to a crime awareness don't want anything to do with it too busy of a life we live !! We have so many awareness's in this world as many awareness's as labels we honor aides-- we honor against abuse-- we honor against cancer- we honor against animal abuse- we honor against domestic violence for the love of God honor safety for yourself for your children for your grandchildren!! Make this a better world !! I am not saying put yourself in danger by no means just honor the innocent victim(s) from these types of shootings!! Just because you live in a decent community does not make these victims any less of a decent human being than they were due to their neighborhood they lived in, the state they lived in, their racial ethnicity, or their income or lack of. ""PRACTICE RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS """ It makes it a better and safer world to live in !! Have a blessed evening everyone !!!

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