Thursday, June 7, 2012

Prayers For The Evening

Many prayers to always say !!! This world needs more prayers is the problem !! That's what is wrong with the world taking God away except when we are desperate enough to change or make changes in our lives. So, the news for California tonight is I have not seen many articles on Baby Angel. I know there is still a $100,000 reward being offered for the capture of the assailant. I would assume that just covers a few days of being imprisoned. The cost for a funeral out there is triple that. Most churches will not help unless you are a member and yes the police force has a program that pays for partial part of the funeral. I pray every night that someone is kind enough to open their heart in helping guide the victims towards the steps they need to take to get through this process. Then the grief process occurs. It is a long process sometimes one never fully gets over it !!! How can you really expect them too. I know that coming up on the anniversary of my grandsons death; when I read a poem someone has wrote or a video someone has made it brings those tears and empty feelings right back to the surface. My grandson had sooooo many people and friends that cared and loved him and still do. We miss and think about him everyday. Its not like it happens all day long sometimes I will be doing my daily business and boom a thought pops up then I want to look at a picture etc. See, when this happens to a family all you have are memories pictures poems and a song or two. So I pray that someone is there for this man that lost his baby, not a child , not a teenager , but a sweet purely innocent baby to gang shootings. I wish I COULD move mountains at times but I can't and never will be able to. I pray this world could stay safe for even one day for our children and babies. God is large and always in charge . To me violence shows you are weak and small. It shows how much of a coward you really are . I pray that people of this world would stop being such cowards and reach a bit higher up towards God. Ya know, when the Trayvon Martin situation occurred EVERYONE was wearing hoodies. I know I would NEVER suggest that anyone that lives in this neighborhood wear purple but what if EVERYONE did wear purple for one day are they going to come and shoot everyone THEN !! God does intervene even in the worst of the worst situations !! I say wear purple as if you have NOT been following this blog and are just coming across it the gang member mistakenly shot at the dad and the baby as the dad was wearing purple a color that represents one of the gangs and is fighting colors. Purple is not an angry color by the way. So, I end this with loving prayers to be said tonight for myself, my family and the entire universe !! Peace out and be safe and love one another is what the world needs !! Purple is a loving color !!!!

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