Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Honoring The Fallen

Hello World !!
I hope you all are having a most positive day so far !! I titled today's post "Honoring The Fallen "" !! Meaning honoring those who were taken prey to such wreckless gang violence ! This Pastor's death just breaks my heart he died for what he stood for what he believed in helping to better the streets he was born and raised on !!! I wrote a bit last night about how these communities are being overran by such violence . It has gotten so out of hand law enforcement departments across the Universe have NO clue how out of touch with this they are !! Good innocent people are dieing every day !! Constantly at the wrong place at the wrong time !! Or really are they being preyed on ??? This one man that was interviewed in last nights CBS news report on gang shootings , stated "" Its a war we fight daily to try and protect our children and loved one's " And yet what is Congress doing about it ? Writing laws to take the things we love away !! A good greasy cheeseburger every once in awhile, will no longer be when Congress gets done . A pop at the local fair , will be taken away when Congress gets done !! But, then the sad part is, we don't do anything till something happens to us !! Till we are tired enough of watching this and having it happen to us or in our neighborhoods /communities etc. Neighborhood watch programs just aren't enough anymore !!! Communities need law enforcement to go into these neighborhoods and warn them before something horrible happens of what to watch out for. A more in depth description of this type of activity, gangs. Its just so sad and deplorable that this only happens in areas where the activity is more wide spread . AND why on God's green earth is Sharpton and Jackson NOT taking a stand on this ?? Where the hell are they ?? Already made too much money on the Trayvon case ?? If anyone could get through to these thugs it would be them I would think ??!! But, as stated always my focus is on the victims and the families that this happens to. My stepdaughter God bless her soul is wanting to organize a Catholic Mass for her son's one year angel anniversary !!! I pray the Catholic service helps her !! So with that I end today's post with a prayer for safety and change !! Have a most safe and blessed day everyone !!

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