Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Goodnight Prayers !!

As I sit here and title this Goodnight Prayers as I do with my nightly entries every night since I started this blog a week ago, it take me back to when my own son was little and saying prayers with him . Not a night went by that we didn't say prayers at bedtime. I have since carried that into his teen years saying prayers before he would leave for school in the am. That is what keeps me centered and focused is prayers and God. June 18th is right around the corner and I have to say I am feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes I think and wander if I am in denial and running from my feelings. I don't think so though due to EVERY time I send our story in to someone, by the time the last sentence gets here I am in tears. As well, it never fails whatever you are personally going through in your life it always seems to be right there in your face !! I say that as on the world news tonight they were doing a special on the gang shootings in Chicago. As I state several times this is EVERYWHERE !! But this one was a bit unique the statistics on Chicago's gang violence is that, gang shootings take 2 individuals lives EVERY day for the past year. The death rate on gang shooting victims in Chicago has been that it has taken more victims than the Afghanistan terrorists have taken our troops lives in an annual statistic !!! Our troops are over there defending and fighting for our freedom !! The gangs are killing for what recognition/power/control ?? THEY are not my focus though my focus is on the victims and their families and loved one's !!! But my question to the media is this why focus on ONE state ?? Yes, what is going on in Chicago is awful its horrific its evil !! But there are so many other states that have the same behavior and actions going on in their communities !! With God being big and large and always in charge He and ONLY He can move mountains !!! So with that I close and say please keep having faith and place a candle in your driveway on June 18th for my grandson & Angelica and soooooooo many other victims !! Thank you goodnight & God Bless !! May you be safe as you sleep tonight and remember the children who aren't !!!

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