Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12th, 2012

"Every morning starts a new page in your story. Make it a great one today !!! "" My morning ritual consists of prayer, morning coffee with hubs and then an hour or two on the net. I have alot of pages under my lists on Facebook. I love the inspirational funny one's that come through every morning it gives me motivation. Silly probably but whatever works in this world we live in, as long as its on a positive note. But, I realized during coffee time this am that it has taken me a long long time to get to this point. That its okay to just be okay with everything . Granted, I don't like what happens in this world most of the time.But, there is nothing I can do to make all the horrible stuff stop in this world we live in. All I can do is become a benefiting factor to everyone else that lives in this world. Make a difference so to speak be a positive influence. That is why I am doing what I am doing, even if it just benefits me in the healing process. But, I would like to think that there are others out there whom are getting some kind of positive motivation to carry on with positive behavior and attitude, by sharing our story and what my family has overcome. I was thinking this morning as well that would it not be a beautiful thing to see my entire small town neighborhood par take in the Light A Candle In Your Driveway Day ? To see the entire street I live on , to see candles placed in driveways that are lit or even unlit just knowing they placed the candles in honor of innocent victims they did not even know. What a beautiful thing that would be !! The warmth that my family would feel in their heart instead of hatred towards the individual(s) who caused us our pain and emptiness in our hearts. A lifetime of feelings that it is !!! Blogging our story has been a bittersweet ordeal for me. I was overcome with bitterness and anger and sadness this time last year and it carried on for along time. So much has happened in my lifetime. I have had a mother die of cancer when I was at a young age of three. Seen many a loved one pass on in different situations whether it was murder or a car accident, suicide. I have seen too much of it. But, my grandsons death just makes us reflect on the lasting lifetime emotional impact it has on his siblings and loved one's. My step daughters spirit is one of a very strong individual/woman. Yes. she cries every day you would too. They visit the cemetary quit often, as one should. My step daughter did not GIVE up fighting for her life with the cancer that she had then. She still continued her chemo and took care of her family and other children when most of us would shut down if that happened to us. I thank God every day that the cancer just disappeared that Emanuel's love and the love she had for her son helped take that away. I don't know what else to call it. As well, she did NOT give up when her other son was shot 4 times. She helped him pull through it !! AND with Emanuel's loving spirit that we are left with he( Emanuel ) helped his brother with God's love over come being shot four times with no physical altercations !!! WHAT A TESTIMONY !!! I wrote bittersweet as when I share these stories which they are LIFE stories not fiction that it warms my heart and soul I feel a sense of warmth over come me that is indescribable. So, I hope if anything that this blog gives someone a sense of, hey if we can get through this you can get through your ordeal whatever it may be !! That you too can get through cancer with God's help and the love and strength from your friends or family and that you too can get through your depression, addictions whatever the issue is there is something way bigger than that !! It is God's love and acceptance and the love and strength from others !! God is large and ALWAYS in charge !! PLEASE if you are reading this don't keep it to yourself hit the FB share button or the share button and it will direct you to the social network you care to share this on !! Have a most blessed day everyone !!!

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