Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19, 2012 Pastor Corey Brooks Walks Across America

WOW !! What a chain of events that took place yesterday on my 17 year old grandson's first year angel anniversary. I highly believe that his angel was here guiding us through the day. I stumbled upon a man named Corey Brooks who is a Pastor in Chicago one of the highest crime ridden cities in the US higher than LA . There has been more killings gang violence in this city that over exceeds the number of troops killed in Afghanistan in one year. Well this man is a wonderful community leader for this city that I have been reading and researching on. He starts his walk today yes I stated "Walk " across America today June 19, 2012. I pray that God and our angels above guide him on his journey as he walks from New York to Los Angeles. To bring attention and end the violence this behavior has brought all across the US. As well, yesterday I ran across some homemade videos from May of last year when life was good. When Manuel and Angelica were still alive. My husband had to make a trip out there the week of Mother's Day as my step daughter Manuels mom had received word that she had cancer. She is now thank God cancer free. But finding those videos and hearing his voice and laughter ohhhh I just can not describe. Most people would probably have gotten very angry over the fact that these thugs took a precious soul away from their family and loved one's. But, I guess if I had personally known him and had the opportunity to meet him I might have felt that way. But it just warmed my heart. I knew he was here in spirit. It was another one of those moments that you can not describe unless you have been in my shoes and God I pray no one ever has to go through what we did a year ago. No family deserves to have this happen to them. So I pray for Pastor Brooks safe journey as he walks to end violence. AMEN !! Maybe some day I will get the opportunity to meet him and shake his hand. As well as I will go visit his website to vote for best leadership in his community. I can not help but also reflect on the innocent victim Oscar Duncan who believed and tried to do the same but the gangs silenced him. God Bless our Angel Oscar.

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