Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday June 20th,2012

Well its two days since our grandsons one year anniversary and a day before my birthday. I am feeling a bit better about celebrating my birthday much better than I was this time last year. It still is there in the back of my mind that: " hey its four days before your birthday always "". I know in time that might pass, doubtful but maybe. I am following Pastor Brooks as I stated a few days ago as him and his blessed congregation are walking across America to bring awareness that this world needs to take a stand to help end the violence that plaques our neighborhoods all over the world. FINALLY someone is taking a stand for our children and the future of this world. That maybe just maybe the gang violence and the shootings will NOT happen as frequent and like it happened with my family. This is a very powerful movement !! I feel so guided by this that I am thinking of taking a drive when he is near my town so I can shake his hand and tell him our story !! It gets so over emotional and draining writing and writing and sharing my story with no response from anyone. I was so overwhelmed the other day on our one year anniversary of Emanuel's death I completely shut down yesterday. And then today when I went on you tube to find a recent video of Pastor Brooks and where they may be at today. URGH typing in the word Hood on you tube even if it is in a sentence comes up with the awfullest videos of the gangs. The one's still running free with cell phones and weapons REALLY !! WOW !! I wanted to puke !! It is a scarey world we live in and especially for our younger generation. It scares me to no end what they have to face, and what faces them in their future. I can not let the fear of the unknown get me down though. With people like Pastor Brooks it gives me hope for a better tomorrow !! I am not going to stop blogging just because Light A Candle is only one time a year for us. Its a lifetime for us !! I just pray no mother ever has to go through this pain and no grandmother ( like myself ) has to either. Bless you Pastor Brooks and may the angels guide and protect you on your journey of walking across America !! The world needs more people like you !!! Have a most blessed and safe day everyone !!!

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