Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 9th, 2012

Good afternoon everyone !!!
Have been slowly working on spreading this blog and it is happening just a slow yet patient process!Last night as I was working on adding things to my blog I had one of those overwhelming Godly experiences that I just could not keep hiden I had to share. I was adding a faith based quote box on here that changes daily or each time you click on the blog. And the VERY first one I saw and read was a quote by Emmanuel ( name is one that is one of many names used for God ) and it went like this; " As your faith is strengthened there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight & benefit " It overwhelmed me to the point that I started feeling warm and just at peace . At peace to the point that I know this blog will take off eventually just not as fast as I would want but in His time. Changes will happen just not as fast as I would like to make them, but in His time. I just need to get a grip and come to the realization that some people don't want to get involved that their lives ARE too busy, that that is just who they are and I need too accept that !! AND I do !! My grandson was such a lovable child and so was Angelica all these individuals had some sort of awesome attribute !! I just have always believed that it is my duty to honor them they need to be remembered for who they were their loving spirits ! When I had that experience last night it was God speaking to me through others I highly believe that !! I love those kind of moments they happen when He wants them to happen not when we want them to happen !! I shared in the beginning of this start of the blog that my step daughter was fighting against cancer that she was undergoing chemo at the time of her sons death !! Like that wasn't bad enough then her son had to die. BUT, since all the tragedy occurred she was told recently that there is NO sign of cancer in her body !!Isn't that such a beautiful thing??? !!! I believe God healed her due to her grief and Emanuel was with her in spirit he is such a strong spiritual spirit guiding us and keeping us safe always !!! Him & God were there when they came back and shot his brother four times and his brother lived !!! No signs of brain damage no physical altercations nothing !! So, with that I end this in asking you to PLEASE keep sharing my blog and Godly things will happen for the people in Watts and such neighborhoods in this world we live in !! That God is ALWAYS large and ALWAYS in charge !!! Have a very blessed day !!

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