Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday June 7th,2012

Good day everyone !! The weekend is almost upon us as promised I will be posting on here daily with posts pictures and articles. I am fixing to move this to a facebook page and myspace page it is a work in progress. Some days I am okay and other days I just emotionally melt, as we all do at times. I stated last night that I want a public apology from LAPD on the lack of investigating of the murder of my grandson. Well, I am sure I will never receive that. He stated the chief that there have been a rashing of shooting from April of last year till now in Watts Calif. Well, gee guess what I wander why that was ?? Not that I have ALL the answers as to whom or why but I think I could or any of us could have done a much better job investigating these crimes than they do, and have done. My heart goes out to the father of the baby the baby being the recent victim of their killings. For my heart goes out to him as I just think in a couple of months LAPD will just brush this away as they have with all the rest of the victims to this gang war. You can not walk into these neighborhoods thinking and believing you can apprehend all of these thugs with guns !! Its not a Van Diesel movie for God's sake its real life crap !!! Its a way of life for these thugs running and out witting the cops with their high powered weapons !!! And the fact of the matter is this the media keeps stressing the fact that the daddy, mind you was also wounded with gun fire, is an illegal. So, what he came over here for work not govt assistance !!!! And, he speaks no English they keep stressing on. So sad !!! Well, where are his advocates ?? Where are people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who capitalize on people's tragedy ?? I would LOVE to get something going for these poor people that will probably never recovery from the loss of their loved one's. Someone who will NOT be afraid to step up to the plate and help translate for these people so they know what is headed their way legally !! People don't step up in Watts Calf due to the fear of retribution/retaliation !!! AND it does not just come from the gang members it goes all the way to the top dogs !! LAPD THEMSELVES !!! So, I pray everyday that these kind of changes occur !!! That God is large and always in charge people !! WAKE UP !! STOP letting fear override your life !! I know easier said then done when you don't live it !! BUT the honesty of all of this is this in order for these punks to stop killing our children/grandbabies we NEED to let go of the fear !!! Fear has NO place in my world !!! With God ALL things are possible !!! I so wish we lived closer to my husbands kids and our grandchildren. We have been talking seriously of relocating soon. Some day until then, I am going to be starting on the social network end of this and pelase help me spread the word that " we WILL NOT tolerate the killing of our children or loved one's NO MORE "" that people can feel safe wearing a certain color of shirt and being in their own driveway or yard or even standing on a certain street corner !!! Have a most blessed day !!!!

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