Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 19th Birthday to our grandson Emanuel !!
This year has been exceptionally harder than last, last year I think it was because we were still grieving his death/murder. It was hard to lay him to rest then turn around and honor his birthday. At least for me I just kept on grieving his death. I couldn't see how to handle it any other way other than to just be sad for someone was gone that I would never have the opportunity to ever meet in this life time. My step daughter called last night, Emanuel's mom and told me she was going to make this cake for him today. I guarantee all from scratch. She just has such a strong special heart. I love that family too pieces always have not because of what happened. But, because of how strong they are in how they dealt with it and everything in between. It is more than you or I could bear I am sure of that !! Don't get me wrong their hearts are broke beyond repair they still grieve Emanuel & Angelica's loss every day!! We all do !! Not too mention grief makes people do the strangest things and say the things we wished we would never ever say and then when we say them its too late to take back. I have barely it seems been hanging on some days. Granted the weather is hot and horrible and that is my excuse for most days but the weather is not going to last forever. And, neither does depression/grief/anxiety/feelings. That's what happens when stuff like this happens in one's family. Whether you had a close bond or not it doesn't matter that relationship is gone forever. There is no getting it back till its our time to go to Heaven. That is why I don't get why these gang memebers do what they do. They don't kill over money or things they do it for acceptance and recognition. They rip people's lives apart and tear families grief beyond repair, all for recognition. You would think places like Chicago and California would make tougher laws , go in these neighborhoods and rid of it. My lans last night alone in Chicago they had 5 murders all gang related one was a little girl. She however was not murdered, thank God. But, she is a victim of their violence living in this world full of fear. Chicago's murder rate alone this year is now up to 272 innocent victims. California had 272 a month ago, innocent murdered victims, women, men, little babies. No one is immune !!! Pastor Corey Brooks God Bless his soul is as I have stated before walking across this country the USA making a stand against gang violence. His son had to go to the hospital in a city they were walking in due to heat related illness. That is not stopping them from walking !! I have been corresponding with him since he started this walk. I will and plan on meeting him when he gets close to my city. Please pray for him and his congregation as they are truly angels they do care !!!! I do not have the funds to donate to the organization at the moment but believe me when I do get the funds its worth every penny !!! So, please as well join me in prayer for their journey, Walk Across America/ Project Hood ( HELPING OTHERS OBTAIN DESTINY ) in memory of my grandson & Angelica and Pastor Oscar Duncan & Baby Angel and ALL the other victims !!!! God Bless & Good night for now !!! I LOVE YOU EMANUEL I ALWAYS HOLD YOU CLOSE TO MY HEART --THE LOVE I HOLD FOR YOU NO ONE CAN EVER STEAL, KILL OR RIP APART !!!! LOVE ALWAYS GRANDMA HEATHER

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