Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10th, 2012

That is hard for some too see another tomorrow--but it does happen it does come; it at times takes what feels like a lifetime to get here when our world has been torn apart from losing a loved one. I blog on my story to try and share some hope with others, to let the world know our story !! That hopefully this does not have to happen to yet another mother, yet another family broken hearted due to gun killings by gang members !! Their is love in this world however it is very hard to see on some days but believe me it truly is there, LOVE !! Last night I got a bit emotional and that is just how it is for me at times, one emotion at a time !!! One second at a time !! One breath at a time !! People/friends tell me they love my writing, I am however my worst critic. Last night just totally caught up with me !! I have been following the news on the gang shootings in Chicago. Then, they switched it over to LA. That, hit home !!! Then they did the interview with Ram and I think I was expecting way more out of that interview not a lecture/speech on values/statistics !! How much of that interview was on or about political votes ???? Probably ALL of it !!!! He was a bit convincing though when he gave his feelings about the children being these gangs targets in the end. He got angry !! Well, guess what Ram the families of these innocent victims are angry !! Its a different type of anger however, not a revenge anger full of hate and evil. But, a motivational anger to want something to happen to protect our children, Do something more than just give a speech and throw out numbers !!!!!!!!! Hire people that have gone through this that are willing to get involved . Not a dangerous involvement type but to get involved !!! Whether it be to start an organization to help these families and be an advocate when it happens to them, or write a bill/law, or even like me just to blog on it !!! GET INVOLVED !! Help protect our streets help make the world safer for our children and loved one's !!!! Will it EVER be a safer world one asks ?? Of course it can be, it didn't take one person to build the arch or even the Titanic !! It takes a body of people to be at the point of being sick and tired for change to occur !!!!!!!! I want this world to be way more safer when my child enters it as an adult than what it is now !!!!! I can't protect him forever , when he enters the world as an adult its his responsibility and the world's responsibility to make him safe !!!!!! How come some of these missionary groups from religious organizations do not go to our own cities in the US and do their missionary work there instead of going to other countries ?????!!!! Because I think some are afraid of the bad wrap they will receive some are afraid to take a stand !!! Free food is just not enough people they need sooooooooooo much more !! As my dear friend AG sings about in his song what would you do if you could rule the world ?? Such a powerful song !!!! Can be taken to so many different heights !! I am working on making something happen, not writing laws, not going in to the neighborhoods but something is going to be done soon on awareness for these communities; it is just taking time but it will be done !!!! So, I am going to end this blog this morning with a request. PLEASE, if you have gone through such horrible tragedy of losing a child to these gang monsters, or lost a loved one or a friend due to gang shootings PLEASE, don't keep ALL of the pain bottled up inside !!! Find someone you can trust to talk to !!!! Share your tragedy with others as sad as it sounds it does help others that have gone through it !! To know we are not alone !!!!!!! Give your strength to others pay it forward !! "'Don't let the world change your heart Don't let the world take away your heart Don't let the world take away your smile """"" Have a most blessed day everyone & always always be safe !!!!

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